Energy Infused Botanicals

All EnergyHugs Botanicals use ONLY organic ingredients.  We use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils (never cheap, diluted oils) to ensure the vibrational essence necessary for spiritual work.  Although our products smell wonderful, the oils and herbs are chosen for their spiritual significance.  


PLEASE READ: Allergy & Medical Disclaimer

We list ingredients (without proprietary ratios) so that you can make informed choices about what your place on your body or in your auric field, especially if you have allergies.  If you have a known allergy, please refrain from using our products.  In most cases, Kendra can make a special blend for you with substitute oils of equal vibration for the same cost.  Please don't hesitate to contact us.

Although the ingredients are all natural, pregnant woman should take precautions before using. While most essential oils are safe to use while pregnant, many of the ones that are on the caution list happen to be the oils needed to make these spiritually significant blends.   I have done my best to label those that contain such oils, but the caution list can change...Therefore, I do not recommend the use of any of my sprays or rollers while pregnant.  

I am not a doctor, and cannot/do not give out medical advice. Please ask your physician before using if you have any concerns. 

Sprays & Rollers

Ascend - Raise Your Vibration

Contains highest vibrational oils and crystals.  Raise the vibration of your home or yourself with this blend of high-frequency essential oils. Raising your vibration is essential for manifesting, and for communicating with angels and spirits.  Ingredients: Essential Oils (Ylang Ylang, Orange, Cedarwood, Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir), Coconut Oil (roller) or Water (Spray), Crystals (Clear Quartz)

Awake - Increase your psychic gifts

Increase your psychic awareness and intuition.  Ingredients: Essential Oils (Frankincense, Grapefruit, Palo Santo, Peppermint, Nutmeg), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli

Balance - Balance & Align Your Chakras

Align all seven chakras with this synergistic blend of seven essential oils. Ingredients: Essential Oils (Tangerine, Lemon, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Quartz, Peridot, Citrine, Tigers Eye, Cherry Quartz).

Calm - Ease an Overly Anxious Mind; Relax

Align all seven chakras with this synergistic blend of seven essential oils. Ingredients: Essential Oils (Tangerine, Lemon, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Quartz, Peridot, Citrine, Tigers Eye, Cherry Quartz).

Dragon - Tame Hormones & Balance the Endocrine System

 Tame the hormonal dragon and balance your endocrine system. Ingredients: Essential Oils (Clary Sage, Fennel, Basil, Thyme, Myrtle, Lemon, Bergamot, Geranium), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Tiger’s Eye, Citrine)  DO NOT USE IF YOUR ARE PREGNANT OR THINK YOU ARE PREGNANT

Protection - Powerful Protection Against Harm

Powerful protection against negativity for yourself and your space.  

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Eucalyptus Globulus, Geranium, Orange, Clove, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Frankincense), Water, witch hazel or alcohol (to mix oil & water), Pink Himalayan Salt, Crystals (Tigers Eye, Amethyst) .

Relief - For Tension Headaches

Relief from tension headaches.  

Directions: Rub on forehead, temples and back of skull.  

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Marjoram, Fir, Lavender, Basil, Peppermint, Frankincense), Coconut Oil (rollers), Water & Alcohol (sprays),  Crystals (Rose Quartz Amethyst)

Root - Deep Energetic Grounding

 Plant your feet firmly on the earth and ground your energies to mother earth. Grounding is critical to getting and staying healthy.  Any spiritual teacher, myself included, will tell you that if you really want to open your higher chakras, your third eye and have experiences such as astral travel or communication with spirit - you must first be deeply, deeply grounded.  When your tether to earth is strong, your body and mind feel safe to fly higher and higher.  Also, remember that as fun as it is to spend time with spirit, we must be in our bodies to heal physically.  To heal, it is important to maintain our groundedness.

Directions:  This one works best on acupuncture point Stomach 36, but can be used anywhere, including on the bottoms of the feet, especially Kidney 1.  When feeling really disconnected, try rolling slowly from top to bottom down the spine with intention.

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove, Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense, White Angelica, Patchouli), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Red Agate)

Seasons - Kiss Those Seasonal Allegeries Goodbye

 Kiss those seasonal allergies goodbye.  Kendra likes to roll this one just under and on the sides of the nostrils, but it works anywhere.

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Peppermint, lavender, lemon, fennel, marjoram, german chamomile, ravinstara (camphor), eucalyptus radiata, wintergreen), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Amethyst, Blue Quartz)   DILUTE FOR CHILDREN

Sleep - Deep, Restful Sleep

 Get a restful night’s sleep without feeling groggy in the morning.  Roll onto the bottom of feet about 30 mins before bed.   One note from Kendra: Valerian is incredibly effective for relaxation and sleep (it's what the Native American's smoked in the peace pipe), but it doesn't smell very good to most.  If you can stand the smell, you can roll it in the depression below and behind the ear :-)

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Vetiver, Valerian, Geranium, Lavender, Bergamot), Coconut Oil, Crystals (Rose Quartz, Amethyst)   

Smudge - All the Benefits of Smudging, Without the Smoke

 Clear stale and negative energy from your home, car or office.  Enjoy all the benefits of smudging without the smoke of burning sage

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Sage, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clove), Water, witch hazel, Crystals (Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline)

Success - Manifest Abundance

Manifest abundance!  Spray in your place of business or anywhere you desire to add the energy of abundance & success.  Success can be financial, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.  Ingredients: Essential Oils (Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clove, patchouli, Spearmint, Ginger, Orange, Nutmeg), Coconut Oil (roller) or Water (Spray), Crystals (Citrine)

Welcome - Angelic Invitation

Invite your angels, spirit guides and loved ones in spirit to your space with this high-vibration blend.  Use before spiritual work or everyday to acknowledge and invite spirit to guide your day.  

Ingredients: Essential Oils (Rose, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Clary Sage, Peppermint, Tangerine), Coconut Oil (rollers) or distilled water & alchohol (sprays), Crystals (Rose Quartz)


Smudge - Go Smudge Yourself!

Use in the shower or bath to remove stale and negative energy, attachments/cords, and (of course) dirt.  Use your own cleansing prayer, or use the Archangel Michael prayer below. 

 Ingredients: Essential Oils (Sage, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clove), Goat Milk Soap Base.

Bath Salts

Aura Clearing Session

An aura clearing session in a bottle.

This powerful blend was channeled by Kendra after a particularly nasty psychic attack on her third eye a few years ago.  It is not just a bath, it’s a powerful ritual, prayer and invocation for clearing and strengthening your aura.   

Kendra makes each and every jar separately and holds intention and blessings specifically for the person who will use it.  She calls upon Archangel Michael to remove attachments and negative energy and to strengthen and protect the aura.  As a Reiki Master, she calls upon her lineage of masters to infuse each jar with Reiki healing energy for you and your aura. 

Ingredients: Epsom Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), Lavender, Sage, Palo Santo, Rosemary, Frankincense, Bergamot, Geranium, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood

Directions:   If your bag contains a crystal, you may use it in your bath, just be sure the remove it before pulling the drain plug!  Scoop one cup of salts into warm bath.  Enter bath (always test temperature first!)   Begin invocation (below).  Be sure to cover all exposed skin at least once by using your cupped hands or a washcloth.  Do not get in open eyes.  Use your intuition to know when the clearing is complete.  If necessary, drain a little water out of the tub and add more warm water to bath longer.   This is a time for prayer and reflection, not Netflix or novels.

You may use any blessing or prayer of your choosing, but I highly encourage you use the Archangel Michael prayer from Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones (see below).   When Kendra channeled this recipe to remove her own attachment, she used Adele’s prayer.   It is an incredibly POWERFUL prayer and Kendra feels no reason to mess with perfection by changing it!

Grounding Foot Soak

When a client gets off my table after their first session, I give them a little heads up that their feet will feel different.  They will feel heavy, like they are stomping when they walk.  We call it “elephant feet”.  It’s the sensation of being deeply grounded and connected to the earth.  I ask them to remember that feeling, and strive for that every day especially after meditation.  Any spiritual teacher, myself included, will tell you that if you really want to open your higher chakras, your third eye and have experiences such as astral travel or communication with spirit - you must first be deeply, deeply grounded.  When your tether to earth is strong, your body and mind feel safe to fly higher and higher.  Also, remember that as fun as it is to spend time with spirit, we must be in our bodies to heal physically.  To heal, it is important to maintain our groundedness.

My grounding foot bath salts are meant to duplicate the effects seen by my clients after their session.  Each bag is created individually, not in bulk, with intentions for the recipient.  I invite the goddess energy of mother earth to bless each batch, and I infuse each one with Reiki master energy. 

These salts are intended for foot bath only, not for the entire body. 

Ingredients: Epsom Salt, Lavender, Cedarwood, Clove, Cinnamon, Cypress, Sage, Copiaba, Pine, Rosemary, Geranium,  Roman Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Helichrysum


If your bag contains a crystal, you may use it in your foot bath - just be sure to remove it before you empty the water.  Fill foot bath (a large bowl or Tupperware container works as long as you can fit both feet in it) with warm water.  Add 1/2 cup of salts into foot bath.  Soak feet for as long as feels good and complete the meditation below:


Imagine or actually feel the pain, stress and heaviness leaving your body through your feet.  Start at your head and slowly imagine each body part releasing excess energy, worries, fear, negativity… anything that no longer serves you.  Your head, your eyes, nose, mouth, all the way down each body part and out the bottom of your feet into the healing water.  

Pick your feet up one by one and massage them – really dig deep.  Notice where it hurts…be gentle, but give those painful areas extra attention.  Massaging opens up your feet for the energy to flow freely off of them and into the water.  It also allows for your body to soak up the energy of the earth. 

Pray to whatever deity you desire, asking them to ground you deeply to mother earth and connect you to the heavens, removing any blockages.   Imagine the energy moving through your feet to your head and up to the heavens, and from the heavens down through your head, your body and out through your feet.  You are a clear channel. 

Wax Melts

Although they smell wonderful, our wax melts are powerful blessing and intention tools, not at all like store-bought fragrance waxes.  Because we use real, therapeutic grade essential oils instead of fake fragrance oils, the smell will dissipate quickly.  (When enjoying essential oils for the smell or medicinally in your home, you should use a cold mist diffuser since real essential oils evaporate quickly when exposed to heat).  

With the melts, however, that is exactly the intention - a quick release of the energy/blessing the wax melt is holding.

During the melting process, the blessing is releasing.  This is the time to set your intention through prayer, meditation or contemplation.  EnergyHugs products are universal - you may use them with any deity/religion/higher power (or not) of your choice.


Use a proper wax melt holder (easily purchased in most stores & online).  Do not add water or dilute.  

We chosen soy wax for it's cleanliness and it's quick melt at lower temps.  Place one cube into appropriate wax melt device.  Depending on heat, soy max will melt to liquid completely within 5-10 mins.  You may enjoy the aroma of the herbs for several hours, but follow your wax melt manufacturer's instructions for maximum usages and other safety information.  Keep away from pets, children and anything flammable. Wax can cause burns if bumped and spilled.


Clear stale and negative energy. Enjoy all the benefits of smudging without the smoke of burning sage.  One melt will clear the average size bedroom.  To increase the effectiveness, while wax is melting use the Archangel Michael prayer below or set your own intention. 

Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oils (Sage, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clove), While Sage, Lavender


Powerful protection against negativity for yourself and your space.  

Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oils (Eucalyptus Globulus, Geranium, Orange, Clove, Cedarwood, Rosemary, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Frankincense), Rosemary, Mugwort, Burdock Root, Basil, Yarrow, St. John's Wort, Clove

Self Love

Self Love isn't just about self care.  Self love means loving and respecting yourself more than anyone else on the planet - more than your friend, your spouse and even your children.  Do you forgive yourself as easily as you forgive others or do you beat yourself up about things you are not proud of or choices you've made?  Do you keep promises to others, but easily break them to yourself?

Direction: While wax is melting, soul search to find those parts of you (physically, mentally and emotionally) that you are ashamed of.  Now hold yourself in love: hold your own hand, hug yourself or place one hand on your heart and the other under your belly button.   Look yourself in the eyes: Look into a mirror and say "Even though (insert flaw here), I deeply love and respect myself".  

Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oils (Vanilla, Bergamot, Lime, ), Rosemary, Mugwort, Burdock Root, Basil, Yarrow, St. John's Wort, Clove

Attract Love

The secret to attracting the right mate is not about your list of wants and don't wants, it's about your vibe.  You get back what you put out (and usually it's subconcious). 

When using this intention melt, the key is to say aloud (or write it down) the type of relationship you are looking for - the qualities you will have as a couple.  Try things like "I want a partnership where.... we grow together, we help each other become the best version of our individual selves, we support each other, we are equals, we put each other first,  we are both free and safe to be ourselves, we respect each other", etc........  Spend some time determining the qualities you are looking for in the relationship, not the person.  

Be willing to commit to healing your traumas to raise your vibration and to find a partner who is committed to the same.  In this way, when one partner grows, the other does as well.  Otherwise, the void will grow between you or worse - you will hold each other back.  

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction". Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 

Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oils (Geranium, Chamomile, Ginger, Vanilla, Dill, Lavender, Cedarwood), Hibiscus, Yarrow, Jasmine

Archangel Michael Cleansing Prayer

These prayers were channeled by Adele Marie of Angelic Wise Ones.  I use these prayers on a regular basis for clearing my home and my body (they are super easy to do while in the shower). 

How I use Adele’s prayers in conjunction with the Aura Clearing Bath Salts:
  1) In place of saying “my home”,  say “my body”.
  2) When asking for the things you want to clear, be sure to ask for removal of all cords and attachments in addition to the items she has listed as examples.
  3)  When using the last one and speaking about windows and doors - think of this in reference to your aura.  Envision them guarding your aura and your person.

To see Adele’s original prayer page with explanations visit THIS PAGE.   I do not make any money off of this, nor does she as she offers them freely to you.  She asks only that we do not share them without giving Adele the proper credit and adhering to the copyright notice on her page. 

Archangel Michael Please

Archangel Michael I ask you to please go through my home from top to bottom, inside and out, every nook & cranny, every space and every room.

And Clear all Earth bound negative entities, All negative entities, All Earth bound entities. All negativity, All fear, evil and harm, All depression, anger, sadness, harm, anxieties, jealousy’s etc… (you can say anything here that comes into your mind) And sweep it all up into the Light of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You dear Archangel Michael, Amen


Dear Mother Father God

Dear Mother Father God, please send your loving Angels 100 million strong into my home from top to bottom, inside and out, every nook & cranny, every space and every room that Michael has just cleared.

To fill it with their loving presence as they illuminate your light and radiate your love as they sing your praise and glory. May your Angels work with me in all things for my highest and best. May they protect me, love me, guide me and hear me as they work with me.

Thank you Mother Father God, Amen


Dear Archangel Michael

Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you for your assistance again now please.  I ask you Michael to please with your League of Angels, your Band of Mercy to surround my home from top to bottom inside and out as you place your Angelic Warrior Guards at every window, doorway and entryway so that nothing and no-one may enter except those through the Light of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Dear Michael, Amen